The basics of Minespades
With Minespades, you can create fully destructible pvp battlegrounds with unlimited teams with custom start equipment, supplies, player respawn points and flags.
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With Minespades, you can create fully destructible pvp battlegrounds with unlimited teams with custom start equipment, supplies, player respawn points and flags.
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Battleground is the arena where the players play. In order for a battleground to be considered as a working one, it must have volume and at least two teams with at least one respawn point. All of these things can be easily created using the battleground editor.
Also, battlegrounds have their own preferences, where features such as spawn protection, friendly fire, saving inventory after death, disabling the lava usage, autojoin and much more can be configured.
To prevent players from playing on the same maps again and again, multigrounds were added. Multigrounds are queues of battlegrounds: when the game on one map ends, the next battleground is automatically selected. Depending on the multiground settings, the next map will be selected either randomly or in a strict order.
With this knowledge, we can start creating our first battleground.
or ms
The main plugin command.
ms join
, ms quit
Commands for joining and leaving battlegrounds.
ms create
, ms edit
, ms save
, ms add
, ms remove
These commands used to create battlegrounds and edit them.
ms launch
Command to launch battlegrounds. Will only work if the requirements are met.
ms config
Preferences editor, used to configure some battleground features.
ms reset
Used to reset battlegrounds to their default state.