Configuration: Preferences
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By changing battleground preferences, you can enable or disable certain parts of the battleground, as well as change the value of some variables. Use the /ms config <preference> <value>
command to configurate selected battleground.
Each battleground contains its own personal preferences, which are not related to other battlegrounds in any way. Some preferences require a battleground reload to take effect.
boolean (true)
Protects team respawns from griefing/building, i.e. against sneaky players who are trying to break the game.
boolean (false)
Affects whether players on the same team can damage each other.
boolean (true)
If enabled, when connecting to the battleground, the player will join the team with the smallest number of players. Also, the player will not be able to choose a team.
boolean (true)
When a player dies, their inventory can either be overwritten with the original loadout inventory or not.
boolean (false)
Automatically connects the player to the battleground after he connects to the server. Also, when the battleground is launched, all online players will be automatically connected to it.
boolean (true)
Teleports players who have gone beyond the battleground to the random respawn point of their team.
boolean (true)
If you want players to run without armor and weapons after 10 minutes of play, because they are broken, then feel free to disable this preference.
boolean (true)
Prevents players from creating portals to the Nether and the End.
boolean (true)
Keeps players awake. Probably.
boolean (true)
Forbids players to use lava bucket: fill and empty it. Also destroys dispensers when trying to do so. I don't recommend turning it off unless you're a lavacaster or a magma-loving dwarf.
boolean (true)
My players have been complaining about their inventory being full of empty potion bottles, so I decided to add this feature. When the player drinks any potion, the empty bottle will be removed automatically.
boolean (false)
An experimental feature that disables 10 ticks of invulnerability after taking damage. Chaotic!
boolean (true)
There is a hidden mechanic in the game that creates a small delay between the activation of the shield and the start of the damage block, which is 250ms. It feels like a ping, it is implemented extremely strangely and does not bring any benefit.
boolean (false)
Please read the article.